
Allied Golf Associations to Bring Message of Industry’s $6.1 Billion Economic Impact to Michigan Legislators

LANSING – “Let’s do lunch at the turn Michigan Legislators!”

  The Michigan golf industry will share its impactful messages and results from a new National Golf Foundation (NGF) study with each state legislator on Thursday by presenting the popular Michigan Legislative Golf Day at the Capitol event.

The Michigan Golf Course Association (MGCA), the Michigan Golf Course Superintendents Association (MiGCSA), the Michigan Section PGA, the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation (MTF), the Golf Association of Michigan (GAM) and the Greater Michigan Club Management Association (GMCMA), which form the Michigan Golf Alliance, will convene on the lawn of the state Capitol, and visit with each legislator.

  For 16 years, course owners, operators and superintendents have gathered each spring to voice a cooperative message. This year the leaders of Michigan golf have again created a dynamic day of activity to promote the game and the golf business.

  To mark the day, the Governor’s office is expected to proclaim that “June is Michigan Golf Month.”

  The executive directors, presidents and members of the organizations in the Michigan Golf Alliance will be under the big tent between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to meet with media and guests and discuss the wide range of topics regarding the golf industry, including and not limited to the effect on business, the impact on tourism and employment in the state, and the industry’s positive effect on the environment.

  Making this year’s message even more impactful are results from a new NGF Michigan Golf Impact Report   that revealed remarkable numbers, including:

  • The Michigan golf industry contributes $6.1 billion to the state’s economy, supports 61,000 jobs with $1.795 billion of wage and benefits income and more than $821 million in state and local taxes, and has a charitable impact of $104.3 million annually.
  • Michigan has 859 golf courses that are part of 709 facilities, almost all of which are classified as small businesses. Our state is 10th in the U.S. in size and 11th in population but ranks third in the total number of golf courses and fourth in volume of annual rounds played (16.42 million in 2023).
  • Michigan golf provides 92,200 professionally managed acres of green space in Michigan serving as wildlife sanctuaries, and the facilities practice several environmental impact programs.

  “The Michigan Golf Alliance created this event to facilitate golf industry representatives introducing themselves and informing the legislators and their staff members on who we are and what our industry brings to the State of Michigan,” Jada Paisley, executive director of the MGCA said. “I can't overstate the importance of this day in delivering the message to our government leaders.”

  The schedule will include Senate and House office visits and “lunch on the turn” with traditional golfers’ fare. All legislators will be invited to lunch with their constituents.

ATTENTION MEDIA: Contact Jada Paisley of the MGCA at 800-860-8575 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for information, and if you plan on attending and bringing the great stories of the Michigan golf industry to your audience. See more about the study at michigangolfalliance.com.